目前分類:ubuntu (8)

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so the command is

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 dmesg ->查看撥接結果
 sudo wvdial
 sudo vi /etc/wvdial.conf
Init1 = ATZ

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tcpdump -ni eh0

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dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

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when you use arrow key or backspace, you will get AB....
->modify .vimrc
set nocompatible
set backspace=2

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use the gcin as input method
sudo apt-get install gcin
im-switch -s gcin

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1. Install QEMU:
apt-get install qemu
2. Create a (resizable) image which will hold Windows XP. The installer chokes if the image is smaller than 1.2 GB or so, but that's not too much of a problem; the "qcow" image format will only take up as much space as is really needed, so the image will be very small in the beginning (not 1.2 GB big!).

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scp -rp account@ip:.fonts .
fc-list |grep -i apple

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