
Very bad service! I had order this kit about one month ago. However I received apologies mail for a delayed delivery. Finally, it take about three months to get the staff in hand.



SMK-15.4 Multi-Touch Development Kit


SMK 15.4 is the first commercially available and out of- the-box development solution enabling you to build truly unlimited multi-touch user-interfaces for future innovative multi-touch products or research projects. It’s based on Stantum’s unique 5 year experience in the design and production of multi-touch systems.

SMK 15.4 includes all the necessary elements of a high performance one-stop multi-touch system:

  • A Wide Screen TFT LCD Display
  • A PMatrix™ high resolution multi-touch sensor.
  • A PMatrix™ electronic controller, embedding Stantum patented scanning and filtering technology.
  • All necessary drivers and first level API


  • Multi-touch 15’’4 wide screen WXGA display
  • Display resolution 1280x800
  • Touch repositioning accuracy < 4 pixels (< 0.5 mm)
  • USB and standard 15 pin connectors or standard DVI-D connectors
  • Cross-platform multi-touch driver (for WIN, MAC, LINUX)
  • Multi-touch Application Programming Interface (API): Multi cursor library
  • Test applications with C source code

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